A coffee a day ….

Coffee. I’m one of very few students, who can turn up to lectures and function (sort of) without it and I’m currently attempting to progress to adult life by teaching myself to like it, not very successfully I must add.
The media are always telling us what the latest reports say about drinking coffee, such as; it prevents depression, causes cancer or makes you live longer, there’s a stream of health effects coffee apparently has on you and it’s hard to know what to believe.

But the truth is the advantages of coffee outweigh the disadvantages. Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day can reduce your risk of diabetes, help fight Parkinson’s disease and helps break up gallstones. And despite some reports coffee does not cause cancer, in fact it can reduce the risk of oral, oesophageal and pharyngeal cancer.

However, to reap all these wonderful health benefits of coffee you must drink it regularly because the caffeine in coffee, which encourages these benefits, only stays in the body for a short period of time.

But be careful, drinking too much coffee can lead to trouble sleeping at night, cause headaches and temporarily increases your heart rate so people who suffer heart problems should rethink their beverage choice. Drinking more than eight cups of coffee a day can cause the negative effects to overpower the positive.

So keep the cafeteria full, a couple of cups a day can ultimately, make you a healthier person.
As for me, for now I’ll stick to my tea until my taste buds agree!